Chaga - The Secret Skin Cure

We have been previously discussing all the amazing properties of Chaga Mushroom, but did you know that Chaga Mushroom is also used in skincare?


The Chaga mushroom offers such amazing skin support & can be extremely beneficial for anyone suffering from skin conditions such as acne, allergic reactions, bug bites, rashes, dermatitis, psoriasis, itching, rosacea, & eczema!


Chaga Protects You from The Sun

As we age, the sun's dangerous rays and UV beams can cause skin cancer and induce dark sunspots. Chaga is also known for helping to effectively reduce dark sunspots that can be found on the skin because of harmful UV exposure.

Because of its structure and composition, Chaga has some of the highest forms of pigment and melanin available which helps to provide an immense amount of UV protection. Melanin is an important component that does a great job of shading and shielding your skin against sun rays and dangerous UV beams. This can be key in reducing intense damage to the skin caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. ¹ ⁴


Slow the Process of Aging with Chaga

When free radicals become too abundant in your body due to pollution, exposure or stress, your skin tends to suffer in many ways including the onset of aging. The parasitic properties comprised in Chaga does an awesome job of fighting these free radicals to help slow the aging process down. The antioxidants found in Chaga essentially eliminates any oxidative stress that may be rampant in the skin and prevents the onset of wrinkles, discoloration, and acne. The ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score for Chaga mushrooms is the highest among natural foods. This test helps to determine the amount of antioxidant content in food which helps to put up a viable defense against the in-flux of free radicals as described above. ² ³


Chaga Helps Restore Your Skin Elasticity

Huge Chaga skin benefits include its innate ability to restore elasticity to the skin while doing a great job of aiding in collagen production. Chaga has a unique form of Betulonic acid notorious for skin regeneration. Depending on the extent of damaged skin, Chaga can aid in the restoration and regeneration of skin cells that would effectively help in bringing back the natural look of your skin. Now, doesn’t that sound awesome! ¹


Fight Acne with Chaga Mushrooms

The best methods associated with the prevention and elimination of acne include ensuring that your skin is clean and continually receiving an adequate amount of nourishment. Additionally, skin that is consistently being moisturized can be a helpful tool in preventing cracking and decaying which could lead to acne and aging. The Chaga mushrooms include enzymes which do an amazing job of keeping your skin moist while minimizing clogging and dirt build-up notorious for the onset of acne. ¹


Overall Skin Health

Most noteworthy, as we get older, it is important to continue to maintain the same level of dedication to our skin due to key deficiencies in SOD (Superoxide Diamatuse) which could cause skin discoloration and wrinkles. Fortunately, Chaga has some of the highest amounts of SOD which helps to treat skin cells to prevent such a scenario from happening. ¹

What makes Chaga so effective in skin health is its ability to strengthen resiliency to damaging irritants found in nature, as well as reduce skin sensitivity. ¹




²Zheng W, Zhao Y, Zhang M, et al. Oxidative stress response of Inonotus obliquus induced by hydrogen peroxide. Med Mycol.2009;47(8):814-823; PMID: 19184774 Link to research.

³Yan ZF, Yang Y, Tian FH, et al. Inhibitory and Acceleratory Effects of Inonotus obliquus on Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Formation in B16 Melanoma Cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2014;2014:259836; PMID: 25197307 Link to research.

⁴Yan ZF, Yang Y, Tian FH, et al. Inhibitory and Acceleratory Effects of Inonotus obliquus on Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Formation in B16 Melanoma Cells. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.2014;2014:259836; PMID: 25197307 Link to research.

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